Honour based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation

1.How many children did the child and social services department have contact with in 2018 where the child was in the care of social services and at risk of:
a) child &/or forced marriage?
b) ‘honour’ based violence?
c) female genital mutilation?

We hold the number of children who were in the care of social services and who may have been at risk of abuse linked to faith or belief or female genital mutilation but as disclosure may identify individuals we believe the information is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 40(2) Personal Data. In addition, it could be said that those risks have been minimised as a result of their being in care.

2. If you hold the data requested at question 1 for child &/or forced marriage, ‘honour’ based violence and/ or female genital mutilation as one combined figure, please provide this figure.

Please see the previous response.

3. How many children did the child and social services department have contact with in 2018 where the child was at risk of
a) child &/or forced marriage?
b) ‘honour’ based violence?
c) female genital mutilation?

17 children were considered to be at risk of abuse linked to faith or belief or female genital mutilation between April 2018 – and March 2019. We do not use categories a and b and therefore we are unable to provide separate figures.

4. If you hold the data requested at question 3 for child &/or forced marriage, ‘honour’ based violence and/ or female genital mutilation as one combined figure, please provide this figure.

Please see the previous response.