Home Educated Children – Numbers, Ages and Locations

“Please could you tell me how many children are home educated in Devon?


How many of those are 3-7 years old? 7-11 yrs? 11-14 yrs and 14-16 yrs?

Ages:   3-7 = 192

Ages:   7-11 = 227

Ages:   11-14 = 261

Ages:   14-16 = 285

How many are home educated in each region of Devon?”

Breakdown of home education by town is provided here.

Please note that numbers of 5 or below have been redacted under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – ‘Personal Data’.  This is because, due to the low numbers, the individuals concerned could be identified, which would be in breach of the first principle of the Data Protection Act 1998.