Highways Safety Inspection Manuals

Please supply a copy of all earlier editions of the Highways Safety Inspection Manual – prior to and including the most recent manual of 2016. I would prefer hard copy versions to enable me to consult the manual whilst looking at the many pages of maintenance data on screen. To help DCC reduce costs I suggest that all manuals be supplied on CD with the manuals for the period 1 January 2015 to date also supplied in hard copy.

Hard copies of earlier Highways Safety Inspection Manuals are enclosed hereto or can be accessed via the following links:-

Version 4

Version 4 amendments

Version 5

Version 5.3

Please note that DCC is no longer able to provide CD copies of information due to the Council Wide implementation of Windows 10 appliances which does not support CD functionality.

I understand that the DCC HSI Manual is used instead of the National Code. Please supply a copy of the National Code together with a summary of the differences between the National Code and the DCC manual.

The Highway Maintenance Code of practice is not a statutory document but is considered best practice guidance that Highway Authorities may choose to adopt or consider in their policies. It is not a policy document in its own right and therefore should not be considered as such.

The National Code is a UK Roads Board Document and all versions can be found on the UK Roads Board website at the following link:-


A summary of differences between the national code and the DCC manual are not held. However, the below link is to a Devon County Council Committee report for changes to the 2013 safety inspection manual and makes reference to the National Code of Practice at that time:

http://democracy.devon.gov.uk/celistdocuments.aspx?MID=584&DF=12%2f12%2f2012&A=1&R=0&F=embed$text only-htm1274.htm

 An explanation about how a highway is classified; is it, for example, based on traffic flow or size and type of vehicle?

This information has been previously supplied in answer to your earlier requests. Any further guidance required can be found within National Codes of Practice (links provided above).

Please provide an explanation and supporting data for each of the highways in the parish of East & West Worlington.

This information has already been supplied to you in response to a previous request. Response attached again hereto for your ease of reference. There is no further data available.

Previous Request response:-

“This is a request for information about criteria used to assess, quantify or otherwise measure highways for the purpose of construction, maintenance or repair. I refer to the current copy of the DCC Highway Safety Inspection Manual and any earlier editions published 2011 to date. The current edition in Section 7.2 refers to classes of highway and their maintenance category at Table 2.0 Maintenance Inspection Frequency. For each class of Highway in that table please supply its definition together with a detailed description of the assessment criteria. Please say whether the definition and criteria are used exclusively by DCC or form part of a recognised national standard. For example, for the line “8 Minor collector road”, please explain the meaning of the digit “8”, supply a definition of “Minor collector road” and explain the criteria used to apply the definition to a section of highway.

Numbers such as 8 relate to maintenance categories.

Definitions and criteria used are outlined in the Highway Safety Inspection Policy

Where the current definition differs from earlier editions of the Manual or national standard during the period 1 January 2011 please explain them.

These differences are explained in the Highway Maintenance Hierarchy Review Table 2 Comparison of National, (WMH) SWHA Regional and Devon County Council Categories.

Details of the current risk management based approach are included in the

Supplementary Paper to the Highway Safety Inspection Regime.

I now refer to the following sections of Highway; Within the parish of East Worlingtion;

The section between Three Hammers Cross and Boundys Cross The section between Boundys Cross and Thornham Cross The section between Three Hammers Cross and Deneridge Cross

Details supplied in previous response Within Bideford; Queen Street

Carriageway- maintenance category 7 Collector Road

Footway – maintenance category F2 Secondary Walking Route

 Silver Street

Carriageway – maintenance category 9 Service Road

Footway – maintenance category F4 Local Access Walking Route

King Street

Carriageway – maintenance category 9 Service Road –

Footway – maintenance category F4 Local Access Walking Route

Within Barnstaple; Hills View

Carriageway – maintenance category 9 Service Road

Footway – maintenance category F4 Local Access Walking Route

For each highway set out above please supply the class and maintenance category from Table 2.0 together with the assessment data upon which it is based. The data should cover the period 1 January 2011 to date and be complete, comprehensive and detailed. For example if a traffic survey was relied on, the relevant survey data should be supplied. The information supplied for each highway should be set out so that the reasons for the particular class and inspection category can be clearly seen.

The maintenance categories for the roads identified have been specified above.

These will have been allocated over thirty years ago based on function as explained in Table 2.

More information about the review, together with explanations of how categories are assessed is contained in the Highway Maintenance Category Review

If you wish to speak with someone regarding the above request, please contact the Information Governance Team on 01392 383000 – ask for information governance – or email accesstoinformation-mailbox@devon.gov.uk

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