Employee numbers – social care

How many staff does your council employ in the provision of 1) adult social care services and 2) children’s social care services?

Please include employees on all grades in: Home care, re-ablement, day care, residential care, care commissioning, meals on wheels , sheltered housing,
occupational therapy and those involved in dealing with direct payments. If there are others, please include them.

Please give the number of employees by FT/PT and gender

Please see the tables below:

  1. Full time and part time employees in Adult and Children’s social care services.
Service Gender FT PT Grand Total
Adult Care & Health Female 436.0 428.0 864.0
Male 182.0 39.4 221.4
Children’s Services Female 424.0 123.3 547.3
Male 144.0 23.8 167.8
Totals 1186.0 614.5 1800.5

2. Count of assignments

Service Gender FT PT Grand Total
Adult Care & Health Female 436 676 1112
Male 182 66 648
Children’s Services Female 424 224 648
Male 114 59 203
Totals 1186 1025 2211