Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

“The Education Health and Care assessment process involved the local authority (SEN department) asking for and securing advice and information from agencies on the child or young person’s needs and what provision may be required to meet those needs and outcomes. Paragraph 9.49 of the SEN Code of Practice explains what advice and information must be sought and who from. Agencies must respond within 6 weeks of the request.

 1. Please provide a blank request form template or templates used for requesting advice and information from agencies as part of the EHC assessment process.

The updated EHC Needs Assessment request forms are publicly available on our website.  These forms (for parents, schools and anyone else working with a child who wants to request an assessment) are part of the first stage of the twenty week process, which informs the six-week decision whether to seek professional advice/information from other agencies.  These can be accessed via the below link under ‘Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans’.

The documents used to request advice and information from agencies are on the SEND Local Offer website here: under ‘Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment requests’ > How to contribute to an EHC Plan:

How to contribute to an EHC plan

Health assessment contribution for EHC plan – H1 – download

Social Care assessment contribution – SC1 – download

Education assessment contribution for EHC plan – E1 – download (does not need signature from Education lead, authorised by DCC Education)

Education assessment contribution for EHC plan – E2 – for health practitioners who are giving advice for section F

2. Please provide a copy of service agreements with agencies. If these cannot be disclosed in whole, I would like to see the information on any recommended phrasing for EHCP assessment reports where requested by the local authority: these may include assessments from educational psychology, social care, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, CAMHS etc. This is not an exhaustive list.”

The Council does not hold any service agreements with agencies relevant to Education Health and Care Plan assessment reports.

Information and guidance concerning Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are publicly available on our website. This includes details of how reviews and assessments are carried out.