Childrens services budget

Please can you tell me the following:-

1. The 2019/20 budget for Children Services

This information is available online at:

2. the amount spent/budgeted for staff costs

In relation to the staff costs, we can confirm that the 2019/20 budget for children services  is £230,426,000 (of which £179,479,000 is schools).

As the financial year has not yet ended, we do not yet hold the total actual staff costs for 2019/20

3. the total overhead costs associated with those staff eg cost of offices, utilities, HR, pension payments etc

The budgeted overheads associated with staff costs for 2019/20 was £3,375,000

4. the amount actually spent directly supporting vulnerable children

We do not yet hold this information for the 2019/20 financial year (as explained in our response to question 2) but the information will be made available at the same website we provided in our response to question 1 after the end of the financial year.