Capital investment quarterly reports

I am looking for the quarterly cash-flow information of all your private capital investments (private equity funds, venture capital funds, real estate funds, private debt funds, infrastructure funds, natural resource funds, etc.) reported as of 31/12/14 through 31/03/18, as well as reports for 30/09/18 and 31/03/19.

The details per quarter for each investment should ideally include the standard data such as: Investment (Fund) Name; Vintage/Year; Period/Date; Capital Calls; Distributions; Remaining Value/Net Asset Value; Net IRR; Net Multiple. A mock-up of a table containing details I request is included below:

Please refer to the published information and the responses to previous requests on the links below :

Devon Pension Fund and Investments – CurrentĀ 

Devon Pension Fund and Investments – Annual Reports and Accounts ArchiveĀ 

Previous requests can be searched for on the page linked to below using the search terms “investment” or “pension fund investment” – there are a significant number of previous responses which should help to provide the necessary information for the years requested.