Adult social care systems, providers and reablement

1.Which system is used as the main Client Index System, such as Mosaic / Liquid Logic ‘ Controcc / Northgate? If not one of these, which system is in place?

OLM CareFirst

2. How long have you been using this system?

Since 2002

3. When does the contract with this system expire?


4. Can you confirm which system is used for managing the financials (invoicing clients and paying providers) for your care provision?

OLM CareFirst


5. How long have you been using this system?

Since April 2003

6. When does the contract with this system expire?


7. Do you monitor outcomes for all your care service users?

They are recorded as part of the assessment process and are initially monitored as part of a 4-6 week follow up. Then if ongoing services are in place they are monitored as part of the annual review process, unless circumstances require something sooner.

8. Which assessment/outcomes models are in use for domiciliary based care?

Care plans and risk assessments

9. Which assessment/outcomes models are in use for reablement services?

SMART Goal focussed approach – personalised goals are developed with each individual to enable them to improve their independence.

10. How is this information captured currently and where is it stored?

Data is recorded within assessments in our care management system, CareFirst.

11. What reports (locally or nationally) does this produce?

We identify numbers of clients by outcome for example signposting, information and advice or type of service provision which is used locally and for the national SALT return. For reablement we produce local reports which include numbers of goals and outcomes by type.

External Providers ‘ Domiciliary Care.

1. How many service users do you currently support?

2,751 as of 25/12 – 31/12

2. How many care providers do have contracts with?

Provision to half the county is via a primary provider using sub contractors, the remainder is via spot agreements. There are spot contracts with 80 providers, although some may be part of the primary provision but have legacy spot arrangements still active.

3. Is this on a block or spot contract or on any other basis?

There is a mixture of delivery, half the county being covered by a primary provider/s using sub contractors, the rest is with spot agreements and one block contract arrangement.Of the spot agreements there are contracts with 80 domiciliary care providers, some of which are part of the primary provision but have historical legacy spot arrangements still active.

4. How many visits are carried out per week?

We do not hold this information.

5. How many hours of care are carried out per week?

While this varies, the number for the week 25/12/2019 – 31/12/2019 was 31,569

6. What is your average invoice charge per hour?

£19.57 ( same week as above)

7. Does the council pay providers based on commissioned or actual delivery?

A mixture of the two.

8. Does the council pay providers based on per minute or a 15mins banded model? If neither, is there any other model which is used?

Payment is made based on an hourly or part hourly rate, with a minimum of fifteen minutes.

9. How much resource (people and £) is required by the council in processing provider invoices?

We do not hold this information, it is not recorded. Officers who process invoices may also carry out other tasks.

10. How much resource (people and £) is required by the council in processing delivery queries and dispute?

We do not record this information centrally, contacts are daily across the Devon County Council administrative area.

11. When is the next framework contract due to start?

We do have a framework contract, therefore we do not hold this information.

12. How long will they be in place for / when will they end?

Please see the response to the previous question.

13. At what stage during the contract will the provider require monitoring to be in place?

Please see the response to the previous question, however, we can confirm that monitoring is in place.

14. Do you use an electronic monitoring and financial solution, if so which one are you using?

This varies by provider, we do encourage the use of Electronic Case Management (ECM) but do not specify which system.

Reablement Service.

1. Does the council offer a reablement service?

2. If ‘No’, has this service been passed out to the private sector? If so, who has picked this up?
3. How big is the reablement service in terms of:

a. How many carers? Approximately 160
b. How many service users Varies daily but approximately 170 as of early January
c. How many visits are carried out per week? Varies but approximately 1800
d. How many hours of care are carried out per week? Varies but approximately 1000
4. What type of care does the reablement service carry out? Regulated for personal care
5. What % of the total adult health and social care does the Reablement Team carry out?
6. Do you use an electronic scheduling/rostering tool? Yes
7. When does the contract with this system expire? 31/03/2023
8. Do you use an electronic monitoring tool? Yes
9. When does the contract with your existing system expire? 31/03/2023
10. Are the Reablement Team looking at electronic monitoring? No, that is already in place.
11. Do you charge for reablement at any stage? i.e. after a 6-week period? On identification of a long term care
12. How does the council currently charge for reablement services? Through brokerage and contract change to a package of care from social care reablement, the latter is free whilst being supported under the guise / process of goals / outcomes etc and independence is being progressed. This can be for up to 8 weeks at managers discretion
13. What electronic system do these charging rates go into? FINEST
14. Do you take on packages with expected hours/care? Yes, for short term provision as a holding position until taken by private providers.
15. Is this stored as Purchase Orders or Commissioned Records within the Client Index System? Both
16. Which system do you use to processes payroll? ITRENT
17. Are the staff salaried or on 0 hours? Salaried
18. Do you include travel time as part of salaried hours? Yes
19. Is downtime payable or non-payable? Payable
20. How is downtime recorded? On electronic rostering system
21. Is your reablement team integrated with health? This varies across localities, some teams are managed by NHS managers, some deliver partnership outcomes.