Adult social care support during COVID-19

1. How many working-age adults aged 18-64 have had the care and support hours allocated in their care package reduced between the start of March 2020 and end of September 2020?
Please include those who are part and fully local authority funded.
Please also include reductions in care worker ratios (e.g. where 1:1 hours have been changed to shared hours) and exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

We do not hold this information in a simple extractable way, so we would have to manually review each record. This would take 2 minutes on average per client – 5,082 clients = 10,164 minutes or 169 hours.  This is in excess of the appropriate limit of 18 hours and we are therefore not obliged to disclose this information pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12.

2. How many older adults aged over 65 have had the care and support hours allocated in their care package
reduced between the start of March 2020 and end of September 2020?
Please include those who are part and fully local authority funded.
Please also include reductions in care worker ratios (e.g. where 1:1 hours have been changed to shared hours) and exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

We do not hold this information in a simple extractable way, so we would have to manually review each record. This would take; 2 minutes on average per client – 9,114 clients = 18,228 minutes or 303 hours.  This is in excess of the appropriate limit of 18 hours and we are therefore not obliged to disclose this information pursuant to Freedom of Information Act 2000 Section 12.

3. How many working-age adults aged 18-64 have had the monetary value of their care package (656 / 5,082)
reduced between the start of March 2020 and the end of September 2020?
Please include those who are part and fully local authority funded and
exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

12.9% of clients has a reduction in their cost of care – however, we should clarify this would be because of a change in circumstances, e.g. reduction in need, or by seeking an alternative ways of meeting their needs (strengths-based approach)

4. How many older adults aged over 65 have had the monetary value of their care package (1,986 / 9,114)
reduced between the start of March 2020 and end of September 2020?
Please include those who are part and fully local authority funded and
exclude those who stopped receiving a package for the reason ‘deceased’.

21.8% of clients has a reduction in their cost of care – however, as per question 3, this would be because of a change in circumstances, e.g. reduction in need, or by seeking an alternative ways of meeting their needs (strengths-based approach)

5. How many requests for adult social care support did the council receive between the start of March 2020 and end of September 2020?


6. How many of those requests were (a) accepted, (b) rejected and (c) waiting to assessed within that time frame?

15,060 requests were accepted although we should clarify that we do not accept/reject requests – people are sometimes signposted to other organisations where this is appropriate, or may reject the support that is offered themselves.

No requests were rejected

2,015 requests are still active, 81.6% are within the timeframe