Adult residential care homes and resource allocation

1.Please provide a list of all residential care homes providing council-funded adult care services in 2018/19, the number of council-funded clients placed at each location during the year, and the amount of council expenditure on care at each location. If possible, please highlight those residential care homes that are for people with learning disabilities/difficulties.

This has been provided separately to the requester as an editable spreadsheet.

Fees and charges

2. In 2010/11, how many people received council-funded adult care services?
3. Of the figure in question 2, how many were required to make a financial contribution towards their care package?
4. In 2012/13, how many people received council-funded adult care services?
5. Of the figure in question 4, how many were required to make a financial contribution towards their care package?
6. In 2018/19, how many people received council-funded adult care services?


7. Of the figure in question 6, how many were required to make a financial contribution towards their care package?


Please provide the figures for questions 2-7 in the attached spreadsheet.

8. Please provide the schedule of adult care fees and charges for 2010/11
9. Please provide the schedule of adult care fees and charges for 2012/13
10. Please provide the schedule of adult care fees and charges for 2019/20

Fees for most care packages are individually assessed and negotiated and there is no schedule which applies to the majority of placements. The same applies to charges.

Residential and nursing care rates

Resource Allocation Systems (RAS)

11. Please provide the council’s current RAS allocation table – this should show the indicative funding attached to each RAS score/band

The ‘FACE RAS’ used by the council does not use scores/bands. Indicative Budgets are arrived at by taking the full set of answers (from drop-down/checkbox type questions) from the Care Act assessment, using these along with configured weightings set during the RAS calibration process to generate numbers of units for care/support and applying the council’s configured local rates to turn this into an overall sum of money. The RAS uses a statistical approach, calibrated based on sample cases. The approach is explained in the attached document (‘How your budget is decided’

12. Please provide the scoring criteria underpinning the council’s current RAS – this should show the questions that form part of the RAS needs assessment and the scores accruing to different responses.

Please see the answer to the previous question, we do not hold information about scoring criteria. Here is a link to the Care Act assessment used by the council.

13. Please provide the council’s RAS allocation table that was in use in 2010/11. If this is not available, please provide the earliest RAS allocation table that is available.

Please see the answers to the previous two questions.

14. Please provide the scoring criteria underpinning the RAS allocation table provided in response to question 13 – if the 2010/11 allocation table has been provided, please provide the corresponding scoring criteria; if a different year’s allocation table has been provided, please provide that year’s corresponding scoring criteria.

Please see the answers to Questions 11 and 12.

Strength-based assessments

15. Does the council use strength-based approaches when assessing adult care needs?


More information about this is available in our Promoting Independence Policy and Adult Care and Health Vision Plan using the link provided.

16. When did the council introduce strength-based assessments for adult care?


17. Has the council used IMPOWER consultancy since 2013, and if so, regarding what?


Data recording
The following questions are submitted under the section 16 ‘duty to assist’ – they are not requests for the provision of information as such, but requests to know whether and how the council records certain information. Thus the following questions should not be counted towards the section 12 cost limit.
18. When new clients approach the council requesting adult social care support, does the council record whether or not they are leaving hospital care? Is it possible to sort the data on the outcomes of assessments of requests for support between clients leaving hospital care and clients who are not leaving hospital care?


19. Has the council recorded, since 2010, the number of requests for adult social care support that are met with short term support to maximise independence?
